Roxio CinePlayer Surround v3.4 英文正式版(cineplayer環繞軟體)
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交付的,清晰的音頻及不受約束的圖片品質-都在一個非常直觀的界面- ci neplayer 環繞提供最專
業外觀的播放。為最終"電影院"的經驗, cineplayer環繞包括最佳杜比聲音技術就市場!
Roxio CinePlayer Surround provides the highest quality and best performing DVD and
Interactual content playback possible on your PC. Delivering crisp, clear audio and
unfettered picture quality - all within an extremely intuitive interface - CinePlayer
Surround provides the most professional-looking playback available. For the ultimate
"movie theater" experience, CinePlayer Surround includes the best Dolby sound technology
on the market!
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